封面 ...... 1

Contents(目录) ...... 2

Unit 1 Do you like winter? ...... 4

  B Look and learn ...... 5

  C Sing a song - Season's song ...... 6

  D Draw and say ...... 7

Unit 2 At the zoo ...... 8

  B Look and learn ...... 9

  C Say a rhyme - Five little monkeys ...... 10

  D Do a survey ...... 11

Unit 3 What can you see? ...... 12

  B Look and learn ...... 13

  C Sing a song - Row,row,row your boat ...... 14

  D Act and say ...... 15

Unit 4 My toys ...... 16

  B Look and learn ...... 17

  C Sing a song - My lovely doll ...... 18

  D Play a game ...... 19

Unit 5 At school ...... 20

  B Look and learn ...... 21

  C Say a rhyme - Let's learnl ...... 22

  D Play a game ...... 23

Unit 6 Let is count ...... 24

  B Look and learn ...... 25

  C Say a rhyme - Numbers ...... 26

  D Count and say ...... 27

Unit 7 Can I help you? ...... 28

  B Look and learn ...... 29

  C Say a rhyme - Zip,zip,zip ...... 30

  D Act and say ...... 31

Unit 8 Keep the water clean! ...... 32

  B Look and learn ...... 33

  C Say a rhyme - A bottle ...... 34

  D Play a game ...... 35

Unit 9 Where is the plane? ...... 36

  B Look and learn ...... 37

  C Sing a song - The dog is in the plane ...... 38

  D Play a game ...... 39

Unit 10 Goodbye! ...... 40

  B Look and learn ...... 41

  C Say a rhyme - Goodbye! ...... 42

  D Play a game ...... 43

Picture dictionary ...... 44
